Riding in the rain ... actually it was drizzle. Last night I got a ride in on Baby just before dark, in the drizzle and then today, I rode Baby, Charlie and Angel. Yes... in the drizzle. Heavy overcast, almost looked like dusk all day. Weird day ... 61 degrees, but wet out, not damp to make you chilled to the core, just wet. So we rode, we all rode & they all got ridden. That is a good thing.
Charlie gave a little hassle being green in the bridle... but a few one rein stops and some bending and I was trotting around. Baby was being a little childish while Haley lounged her so I had to finish the prep before she rode. Angel actually wasnt quite warmed up before I asked to canter him and he let me know it! He gave a huge buck - and then he had a little one reining session. So he got to work on bending too :)

A great exercise that I have incorporated into my warm up is circling my haunches around my forehand while keeping my forehand stationary. Slightly in front of verticle keeping my weight on the forehand, and leg pressure behind the girth. When asking the haunches to circle around my forehand, I make sure I am slight behind the verticle so that my weight is on the hind to free up the forehand to float through the open door I have provided. Its a great opportunity to stretch and bend and get those shoulders and hips working for you!
Sunday we are supposed to head to Mikes for more safe work with Charlie in the round pen and arena and maybe have Baby ridden by Haley and Misty ridden by Mindy and all go for a trail ride up there.... as it is SUNDAY - and the only day to go trail riding as its HUNTING SEASON!