... well.... I wish I could geld you again! You are such a jerk and such a love ... what is it?
I mean really what is your deal? I cannot figure you out. We are always at odds until we finally get to some kind of agreement prior to mounting. Havent you realized yet that I just want to ride? Get you out of the house for a bit and enjoy the scenery? Dont you like that? I mean ... your not like Angel, you dont have seperation anxiety! But the rearing, striking, kicking, fighting, thrashing head has GOT TO STOP!
Teeth are coming in and those gums looked rank for while. I wonder if the feed bothers your guts and your pissed off about that. Are you just an Alpha because Misty has allowed you to get away with it and you think it applies to all areas? Or is it "D" all of the above? I could be just making excuses for you being that I want to "label" it maybe? I dont know but I am sweating and physically exhausted after riding today.
Beautiful day and great idea... lets trail ride up the road. OK ... except its dump day. A short stretch before the pavement ends and cars etc. Good to expose him to and was ok on the way up but did jump down and walk him to the dump. Got back on and rode fine. Way home... MR Dink arrived again... and rearing and traffic... I had already jumped down to get him over... but he wouldnt... luckily I had the rope halter on under his bridle and gave him some of that but he was throwing himself into me as he didnt want to walk on the shoulder.... I mean HE KNOWS what he is going to get when he messes with me... I make no qualms but he just didnt care... so then... unfortunately I had to resort to banging on the bit to get his attention... and I got it! I was mean ... but it worked... he walked ever so carefully home, without running me over and staying on the shoulder... I mounted up at my driveway and rode up the hill. I was huffing and puffing... and cars are going by ... some people wait... others impatient and I was thinking he was going to kick them for sure... as he does have heels that fly quickly out the back.
Somehow way down inside I would have wanted it to happen just to say "well WTF folks... you see me having trouble with my horse on some back road and you have to crawl up my ass? Well that is what you get!" But I dont need the drama in my life either! Been there done that ... years ago!
A SMART ride in Berwick years ago we had to turn around and head back due to an injury and only 3 of us on the side of the road... around this time of the year.... ice puddles... dirt dead end and some lady is coming for us... crazy lady... I was 2nd rider back... a beginner rider in front and behind... and this lady is veering for us... and gooses it to spook our horses as she mashes thru the ice puddles and sends shit all over us... hollering something as she flew by....
WELL>>> YOU KNOW she didnt expect me to haul ass after her either! GOOD ol Spicie up for a fight! We tear assed down the road after her... she cant go faster than a horse on a pot hole infested road... her car is shuttering left and right and she is trying to get away....she didnt take into consideration I would catch up! I came up on her and she smashed on the brakes and I see reverse lights come on! She was trying to run me over too! I cant use the kind of profanity that came out of our mouths at each other on here... but you cant bet I told her she was going to jail for this in so many words. I called the cops when we got back to the trailer an reported her ass.... come to find out ... the license plate didnt match the car description... NO REALLY? HUGH... no kidding that is the kind of people that would do that you know! She lives at the end of that road FIND HER OR I WILL! Apparetly it wasnt the first time! The person putting on the ride has had to deal with her before on several occassions... but not horse riding related. Anyway I had 3 written statements from us explaining what happened... and when it got to court the DA called me prior to, saying it more than likely would be thrown out and that I should vouge for a written copy in her file and somin' or other.... by then months had gone by and I was happy to not have witnessed an accident with any horse or rider. So I let it go. I shouldnt have but I did... WACKO!!!!!
AnYHOO>... didnt expect that story to come out ... but there she be.
On a good note... Charlie is bending beautifully... unexpectedly advancing quickly with that knowledge... HE IS going to be handsome when he fills in and grows up! Might want to check back then!