As you can see by his pictures... he was being exceptionally well at accepting the bit and leg aids.
I only worked on maintaining rythm... but he is a natural.
I worked on bending... no difficulties.

I worked on headset and forward motion.
He was accepting and wanted more.
We worked on half passes at the walk... and it was a good start.
Backing ... great.
Halting PERFECT ...
HELLO? Perfect headset... and he holds it until I release the reins!
Cantering... well we have to do a little more work there.... he is high at the rump right now... which pitches us forward and makes him heavy on the forhand... but on the lounge he is balanced. SO hmmm I guess that would be me?
GOSH... I want to just unload that 50 lb bag of grain I have been laboring around with me the last 10 years and just be done with it! THEN I can do all that I want to do and it will be easier on myself and my horses.....SO WHY WHY WHY cant I? Friggin american way... LAZY!
Anyhoooooooooo must be the weather... its getting to me. A great day to take some pics tho! Thank you Charity! An aspiring photographer herself! Greatly appreciate not haveing to tripod my cybershot this time... because I can never stay within the lens!