Saturday, November 29, 2008


OK>>>>>> we made it and I am still alive!

Angel was an Angel - he is so good when he is away from here. He likes the "goings on" and is always looking around. The standing around waiting for our number to be called after the sun went away was not fun. It was chilly - and he was already warmed up... you can only do so much of that in one setting. .... I mean for me! My thighs will feel that tomorrow.

It was a good day overall... HECK... what can you expect for a "first show" situation! I have mental notes on all the crap I need to work on... notice I said "I" because "I" get in HIS way, and I need to have a better seat, and I need to have better hands, and I need to maintain my balance for longer than a minute or two....

His strides are so big and tall and he can cover an indoor with 11 jumps set up in 2 seconds flat - I knew the pattern but all of a sudden ... I am at the other end of the arena and holy crap... what number am I on again? Shit ... #5 ... oh... where is that one now? UGH... over there.... did I miss #4? NO... I did one ... two... three... right? Crap...

At the end I said thank you to the judge ... but he said... "you have one more" and pointed at #11.... Oh? I do? Hugh ... thought I did that one ... :)
>>>>insert - sheepish smile and shrugged shoulders with OH MY FRIGGIN WORD - under my breath... then crawl under rock >>>>>>quickly!

BUT all in the scheme of DOING & LEARNING - which we BOTH are and having fun... because lets not forget THAT my friends is why we are doing this... because its fun.... but before we get to that.... lets look at the embarrassing part shall we?????>>>>>>>>

A big THANK YOU - goes out to Candace Frank - for having to deal with me all day - in so many ways!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Schooling Over Jumps

I can tell you I have been busy trying to get ready for this schooling show tomorrow.
I have been tossed off Angel twice 2 days ago in my arena. Thinking that my arena is cheaper to utilize while I can, well, as long as its not frozen. It WAS nice and mild out so wanted to make sure I got my riding time in while mother nature was napping. Problem was ... being tired after riding the other horses before working Angel. Since he usually is an "angel" I thought I would work Charles, as he requires me to be on my toes. Charlie was having a good day, so then my guard was down later when I worked Angel. My calves were tired, my thighs... actually I was already toast, but I had to get on and ride. Thinking I would school us over all the jumps I have in the arena, which I did, but hadnt lounged him first.
I only realized the next morning I pulled all the muscles in my neck when I had to manually lift my head off the pillow with my hands!!!!! I didnt think I fell that hard, I got right back on both times... thank GOD the arena wasnt frozen!
Oh ... the other problem is ... I AM GETTING OLD - birthday coming in 3 days! UGH... I have so much to do before I am all crippled up you know SELF! GET WITH IT - stay with it and GET FIT TO RIDE your almost 40! CRIPES! Hey how bout that turkey day pie - was it good? GREAT! You just set yourself back another 2 weeks... good going!

ANYWAY........ I couldnt ride yesterday - and thought maybe Angel was having a bad spell - or his back hurt as he was bucking like a bronc - regardless I planned to take him anyway. I called Candace to see if I could go over to her nice indoor with jumps already set up and see if he was better or I was worse -

Well video below shows that I guess neither one of us are great but HELL! WE ARE GOING ANYWAY!

Candace has reminded me to hike my stirrups 2 holes - so my leg will look better than the video shows but I feel like I am 2 feet above the saddle with his tall strides - my heels down would help - in time though .... in time!

Hope ya'll like it... was feeling creative in my movie making - !!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Going to The Cutter Farm Jumper Show in Dracut MA on Sat. I was fortunate enough to have hooked up with Candace today so that we could school our horses over jumps. Once Angel is warmed up he is a peach. A new indoor today over in Lyman - nice & new with lots of natural light and flush walls with mirrors at one end. Just big enough to have 3 jumps set up inside. A little tight with two 17h horses striding around but we we made it work. I was very appreciative that she jumped off to reset the jump I knocked down.... twice :( - Probably all me, looking down and or something else. He is so easy going after he gets soft in the bridle - and he likes to jump ... I give him that! Its not pretty right now - its not like he is a natural llofty jumper but he clears them and he wants to figure this game out. So its fun for him, for now :)

VERY bitter out. Windy as a mutha' and I hate having so many layers on, that I am hot, then I am cold ... then I am chilled because I was sweating. UGH.... those Mountain Horse Rimfrost Riders are the BEST! My feet never get cold and I only had a thin sock on! I do need a new helmet though... maybe santa will be nice to me for xmas?

Hopefully Charlie will be ridden tomorrow. Rain I think? Poor guy... he watched from the paddock as Baby and Misty got to get out with the girls hacking them around - I watched him from my office window... sulking like a boy kicking stones down the road with his hands deep in his pockets. :(

Even though I have been fortunate enough to enjoy my horses, almost daily if I so choose, I dont actually feel like I am doing anything with them still. Like a show is the only thing that can affirm my hard work? Why is that? Just saying that I am going "somewhere" solidifies / proves that I have actually done what I say I have been doing. It is the wierdest thing. Something I have to change - I need to feel like I have accomplished "things" just by having them home - not by showing by someone elses standards.

I will work on that. Dogs barking - gotta run!


 My blog name has changed over the years, but my goal always remained the same, to be in eventing! I had goals, but never knowing how to att...