I can tell you I have been busy trying to get ready for this schooling show tomorrow.
I have been tossed off Angel twice 2 days ago in my arena. Thinking that my arena is cheaper to utilize while I can, well, as long as its not frozen. It WAS nice and mild out so wanted to make sure I got my riding time in while mother nature was napping. Problem was ... being tired after riding the other horses before working Angel. Since he usually is an "angel" I thought I would work Charles, as he requires me to be on my toes. Charlie was having a good day, so then my guard was down later when I worked Angel. My calves were tired, my thighs... actually I was already toast, but I had to get on and ride. Thinking I would school us over all the jumps I have in the arena, which I did, but hadnt lounged him first.
I only realized the next morning I pulled all the muscles in my neck when I had to manually lift my head off the pillow with my hands!!!!! I didnt think I fell that hard, I got right back on both times... thank GOD the arena wasnt frozen!
Oh ... the other problem is ... I AM GETTING OLD - birthday coming in 3 days! UGH... I have so much to do before I am all crippled up you know SELF! GET WITH IT - stay with it and GET FIT TO RIDE your almost 40! CRIPES! Hey how bout that turkey day pie - was it good? GREAT! You just set yourself back another 2 weeks... good going!
ANYWAY........ I couldnt ride yesterday - and thought maybe Angel was having a bad spell - or his back hurt as he was bucking like a bronc - regardless I planned to take him anyway. I called Candace to see if I could go over to her nice indoor with jumps already set up and see if he was better or I was worse -
Well video below shows that I guess neither one of us are great but HELL! WE ARE GOING ANYWAY!
Candace has reminded me to hike my stirrups 2 holes - so my leg will look better than the video shows but I feel like I am 2 feet above the saddle with his tall strides - my heels down would help - in time though .... in time!
Hope ya'll like it... was feeling creative in my movie making - !!!!