Ignatia Amara Darling and it fits quite perfectly I dare say. Ignatia Amara is the plant harvested for the Homeopathic Remedy for loss and sorrow. Of course a dash of Chloe is the Darling at the end, and though she is black and smaller and a personality all her own, God Blessed her with an essence of Chloe we are thankful for each day. She fits perfectly into our lives like she has always been there. Blessing both of us daily and everyone in our lives she has contact with. Though not as outgoing as Chloe and more reserved to strangers she is the sweetest most loving affectionate dog I know. Truely a Blessing straight from God into our lives and we thank Him!
Amara now over a 1.5 she continues to bring us joy daily with her outspoken opinions and playful gestures making sure everyone interacts with her instead of those damn phones or that TV she says!
Horsing is taking center stage as usual, Jeff going from District Director for NBHA for 4 yrs to State Director for North Carolina. What a change this will be in 2020. Though we still are 4 barrel horses strong with Big Red still at Justin Hills for training until otherwise, I have decided to step back at this juncture and test the 3DE waters again. Looking forward to my first lesson in two days, but after taking inventory of my attire, dry rot in elastic in unused breeches has me scurring to order new. I hope this will finally set me on the fervent path I was supposed to be on 9 yrs ago. MY GOD MY GOD you are so right!
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. James 4 - 14
... so true isnt it! That is why we should make haste toward all that is good in life to enjoy and enjoy each and every day before we vanish.