Sunday, December 28, 2008


...ya thats me! I am Sick! Sick and tired of being sick. I got the Christmas gift that keeps on giving. I thought maybe a dry throat from the woodstove cranking. Not so lucky... lost my voice and that has turned into the achy, stuffy head, sinus clogged, headachy, body hurts all over, cant get out of my own way.... sickness. UGH... I barely have the energy to get out of bed and make it to the couch without getting disoriented and dizzy. I have been drinking a ton and had to invest in the puffs tissues as my nose is now raw. Cant blow anything but hey if I move it takes off running like the Kentucky Derby and I better have a tissue in reach!

Husband has had to do a.m. horse feeding and Bless Mindy as she is coming to take care of evening clean out and feed. Thank you LORD JESUS.

If I could just find some poor soul to give this shit to ....the demon would leave me!

KIDDING! ~ I am not that mean.... yet :)

So a day of 50 friggin degrees and melting and I am stuck on the couch! Enjoy that you snotpickers out there to pasture... because a new year is upon us and I am sure that my resolutions will have something to do with all of you!
Whatever ....Enjoy the down time!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


You look Sorry Charlie...
your lighted dingle berries are hanging low today!Ready for your smackarooo Missy Boo!

Pucker up Baby Cakes !!!!!!
You too Angel.... mmmmmmmmmmmua!
AWWWWWWWWWWWW.... thats not very nice!

Look at these poor poor pitiful pups! I am sure they are not spoiled at all hugh?


Monday, December 22, 2008

Around 24 Inches Of Snow

Well its here... the dreaded day of days....
It arrived just in time for Christmas.... I am so happy I am gushing sarcasm!
I shoveled, shoveled and shoveled some more... and still I have much more cleaning around and out and under to do. I brought the horses in yesterday around lunch when the snow was coming down hard I started to feel bad they were out there standing in it. But only after the plow to arrive to cut a path to the manure pile so that I could unload yesterdays tidings and get to cleaning stalls. So that happened around noon and I shoulda woulda coulda pushed the last wheel barrow to the pile but I said eh tomorrow is another day. That it is... and I would have been able to clean todays stalls if I didnt put off tomorrow what I could have done yesterday!


Nothing more overwhelming that having 4 stalls to clean lingering over you while the wind is whipping outside and snow is piled up everwhere around you - you have now where to go.... I am tired just thinking about it.

Thank GOD both 100 gal water troughs are filled and hay is thrown down.... oh wait ... crap! I do have to go pick up grain today .... as I was two bags short at last delivery.... UGH!

OH how blessed I am to have time for the LIST OF TO DO's !!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time to Hook On ~ Load Up ~ & Get Going!

Well I have been off since the Cutter show... I was riding often and doing my best to prepare for the deadline. I guess that is the problem here.... I dont have a goal? Spring is my goal... but as far as riding, clinics, shows etc.... I dont currently have an ajenda. Usually New England has alot going on this time of year with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years which is probably why nothing is posted for dates at facilities offering Schooling Shows or Clinics?

The Cutter Farm was good for what it was. My expectations again were too high and all my anxieties were for not. It was for the experience, and it was a positive one for Angel. No wrecks, falls, injuries or hurt prides that day. On the other hand, coming from a Photographic background I was terribly dissappointed in the photography. After waiting over a week to just view my pics online - every one was blurry and or at the wrong angle. WHY? I am guessing it was due to an amateur photographer. If it were my business I wouldnt POST the blurry pictures of jumpers! BUT - if that were the case then it looks like she may have not had many to post? Regardless I HAD to buy ONE - because it documents from whence Angel and I have dredged from.

I can handle the critisms.... so please critique away!

There is NO WAY I can photoshop my legs to the proper position or give his front legs a nice tight tuck OR I WOULD!

But hey these are our meek beginnings that we will look fondly back on many years from now right?

Monday, December 8, 2008


Well... its been C~O~L~D!

I am not into freezing my ars off just to say I rode. When the weather is like this your horse cant even get warmed up right to benefit from training for an hour. I can say that we will just set our sites on days that are above 40 and that will be WED. 45 fingers crossed.

So that is what I have been reduced to now that the ground is frozen and the air has become artic.

WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO - I am wishing Christmas & New Years away because lets just get onto having the days longer shall we! Once I get beyond the longest day of the season I have hope for Spring! Until then ... I just want to stoke the stove and sleep!

So nothing going on - check back WED I hope to have a positive report then.

Waiting to make progress on Angel - more suptle, consistancy, quiet - hands seat and leg.

YESA - I can and will.... in time!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Trail Rode At Dusk...

At least I got a trail ride in today! Well WE - Mindy Misty Charlie and I. It was mild all day. After delivering a horse this morning we were off to a nice trail ride. He has been cranky this week... which means... He needs one on one time with his momma.

He was good on the trail... a few one rein circles and we were good... off we go... thru the back 40 - around the Bears Den and behind Dolbecs and to the power lines.

Do tee do dee do.... oh... mud hole... c'mon... nobody wants to get their hooves muddy - R U shitting me? What is that pasture you hold up in all day... dry as a bone? I think not! MOVE IT!

Well they did travel through... up and over the high knolls... views are amazing ... down and across another mud spot... the ATV club have done well to make a high road. ....

Ugh Oh... spoke too soon.... another wet spot... too wet to argue over... I know they wont go... the wheelers love it... but not the whinners.... so turn around... :(

Photo OP! Smile Mindy!

I was sooooo thinking that with crossing the running water to get to Mills place was eventfull enough..... argue poke prod thump.... NOPE... got off and walked thru... GOSH it wasnt deep you SALLY Charles! Yes Misty follow but dont lead you veteran of this water crossing... thank you very much!

Across we go... wait for the blood pressure to get back to normal then return across. Argue poke prod thum.... UGH... C'mon you liars! Geez - got off and led them both through again... Misery does enjoy company hugh?

Well... they always say that if your going to get in an accident its going to be 500 feet from your house... so true!....

Charles feet went out from under quicker dan shit.... and we went down... he was trying to get up with me still on him... poor little bugger... I did my most graceful rodeo dismount and he was fine... I was fine... all was well... then a gun was heard off in the distance and he gained traction on my big toe! WTF! Anyway... no worse for the wear...

What ever happened to those quiet therapeutic trail rides? Oh where oh where have they gone?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Day....

Its cold again - found time to get out Christmas stuff, decorate and put up a tree. Now that is all done its time to get back out there and ride.... Now that hunting season is over - I can go trail riding if I so choose without chancing the bullet!
Angel will certainly have separation anxiety with that. I have tried him 1/2 way down the driveway alone and he is a pistol. Add that to the list of corrections to make. All will be fine in time.... can we just remind ourselves at this juncture that its only been two months he is here!
I know!
I know... that is amazing when you think about it.... I should not be so harsh on us and our goals.
Tomorrow is another day ... like today. An opportunity to ride if the sun is out, and 4:30 is our indoor riding time - I may bring Baby also? - But Simplify is the key here. Angel seems to get more accomplished is alone and away from home.
Until then. Stay warm!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I can tell you that I am so depressed after watching those videos over and over....
GOD please help me get my seat and leg and hands in order sooner than later! AMEN!

Poor horse - I know he was cantering around faster and faster and faster - BUT how are you getting to the rolex if you cant do those itsy bitsy jumps darling?
Nose straight out,
hollow backed,
peppy le pewwing around the arena -
HOLY MOLY you have your winter work cut out for you .... better get to it there spanky -
2010 will be here before you know it!

OH and BTW - on days you dont ride -
get out your turbo jam and skip the snacks deary!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


OK>>>>>> we made it and I am still alive!

Angel was an Angel - he is so good when he is away from here. He likes the "goings on" and is always looking around. The standing around waiting for our number to be called after the sun went away was not fun. It was chilly - and he was already warmed up... you can only do so much of that in one setting. .... I mean for me! My thighs will feel that tomorrow.

It was a good day overall... HECK... what can you expect for a "first show" situation! I have mental notes on all the crap I need to work on... notice I said "I" because "I" get in HIS way, and I need to have a better seat, and I need to have better hands, and I need to maintain my balance for longer than a minute or two....

His strides are so big and tall and he can cover an indoor with 11 jumps set up in 2 seconds flat - I knew the pattern but all of a sudden ... I am at the other end of the arena and holy crap... what number am I on again? Shit ... #5 ... oh... where is that one now? UGH... over there.... did I miss #4? NO... I did one ... two... three... right? Crap...

At the end I said thank you to the judge ... but he said... "you have one more" and pointed at #11.... Oh? I do? Hugh ... thought I did that one ... :)
>>>>insert - sheepish smile and shrugged shoulders with OH MY FRIGGIN WORD - under my breath... then crawl under rock >>>>>>quickly!

BUT all in the scheme of DOING & LEARNING - which we BOTH are and having fun... because lets not forget THAT my friends is why we are doing this... because its fun.... but before we get to that.... lets look at the embarrassing part shall we?????>>>>>>>>

A big THANK YOU - goes out to Candace Frank - for having to deal with me all day - in so many ways!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Schooling Over Jumps

I can tell you I have been busy trying to get ready for this schooling show tomorrow.
I have been tossed off Angel twice 2 days ago in my arena. Thinking that my arena is cheaper to utilize while I can, well, as long as its not frozen. It WAS nice and mild out so wanted to make sure I got my riding time in while mother nature was napping. Problem was ... being tired after riding the other horses before working Angel. Since he usually is an "angel" I thought I would work Charles, as he requires me to be on my toes. Charlie was having a good day, so then my guard was down later when I worked Angel. My calves were tired, my thighs... actually I was already toast, but I had to get on and ride. Thinking I would school us over all the jumps I have in the arena, which I did, but hadnt lounged him first.
I only realized the next morning I pulled all the muscles in my neck when I had to manually lift my head off the pillow with my hands!!!!! I didnt think I fell that hard, I got right back on both times... thank GOD the arena wasnt frozen!
Oh ... the other problem is ... I AM GETTING OLD - birthday coming in 3 days! UGH... I have so much to do before I am all crippled up you know SELF! GET WITH IT - stay with it and GET FIT TO RIDE your almost 40! CRIPES! Hey how bout that turkey day pie - was it good? GREAT! You just set yourself back another 2 weeks... good going!

ANYWAY........ I couldnt ride yesterday - and thought maybe Angel was having a bad spell - or his back hurt as he was bucking like a bronc - regardless I planned to take him anyway. I called Candace to see if I could go over to her nice indoor with jumps already set up and see if he was better or I was worse -

Well video below shows that I guess neither one of us are great but HELL! WE ARE GOING ANYWAY!

Candace has reminded me to hike my stirrups 2 holes - so my leg will look better than the video shows but I feel like I am 2 feet above the saddle with his tall strides - my heels down would help - in time though .... in time!

Hope ya'll like it... was feeling creative in my movie making - !!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Going to The Cutter Farm Jumper Show in Dracut MA on Sat. I was fortunate enough to have hooked up with Candace today so that we could school our horses over jumps. Once Angel is warmed up he is a peach. A new indoor today over in Lyman - nice & new with lots of natural light and flush walls with mirrors at one end. Just big enough to have 3 jumps set up inside. A little tight with two 17h horses striding around but we we made it work. I was very appreciative that she jumped off to reset the jump I knocked down.... twice :( - Probably all me, looking down and or something else. He is so easy going after he gets soft in the bridle - and he likes to jump ... I give him that! Its not pretty right now - its not like he is a natural llofty jumper but he clears them and he wants to figure this game out. So its fun for him, for now :)

VERY bitter out. Windy as a mutha' and I hate having so many layers on, that I am hot, then I am cold ... then I am chilled because I was sweating. UGH.... those Mountain Horse Rimfrost Riders are the BEST! My feet never get cold and I only had a thin sock on! I do need a new helmet though... maybe santa will be nice to me for xmas?

Hopefully Charlie will be ridden tomorrow. Rain I think? Poor guy... he watched from the paddock as Baby and Misty got to get out with the girls hacking them around - I watched him from my office window... sulking like a boy kicking stones down the road with his hands deep in his pockets. :(

Even though I have been fortunate enough to enjoy my horses, almost daily if I so choose, I dont actually feel like I am doing anything with them still. Like a show is the only thing that can affirm my hard work? Why is that? Just saying that I am going "somewhere" solidifies / proves that I have actually done what I say I have been doing. It is the wierdest thing. Something I have to change - I need to feel like I have accomplished "things" just by having them home - not by showing by someone elses standards.

I will work on that. Dogs barking - gotta run!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Depression begins here....

Well... havent ridden in two days... its so darn cold out. Researching the cost of adding something to the outdoor arena to keep it thawed. May not be cost effective - therefore I may just succumb to keeping the truck and trailer hooked up to get to the indoor. The question is which one? They all have their quirks... and I am not sure which way to commit. I wish I could just do what was done last year... but as alot of us are starting to realize... "those were the good old days"

I must work them all though. If I just hadnt committed myself to 3 horses to ride! I should just "commit" myself now! With good intensions I march onward. I will make a few calls today and hopefully give myself some direction and goals.

I also think its time for some housework - well painting, rearranging and what not - while the cats away :) - xmas will be up and complete - may even have a tree by the 6th and that will lend some uplifting!
Time to go out and feed lunch...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


has started. I mean C O L D! not getting above 35 today and it hasnt even snowed yet! Jason leaving for Canada in the a.m. hunting in Manitoba for a week. WHY head to colder weather to kill something when we have all those great amenities right here in our own back yard? Ya I cant figure that one out either for the last 18 years... & all done trying.

It was cold at the indoor yesterday too. That will not be a fun time this winter. Got over 2' jumps in a figure 8 and he is progressing nicely. He may not compete next weekend, but a least we will be there just in case it is one of his good days. Doesnt hurt to get him out there right?

No more riding in the arena due to its now frozen .... which reminds me ... I have to get both extension cords out to the barn to plug in outside heaters in both front and back pastures, as I was breaking 1" thick ice this a.m. with a hammer :(... I still cant believe its here... THE COLD is now staying... so very sad!
On a postive note ... everyone has their own personal waterproof turn out blanket, which keeps the chilling wind sheer at bay... and they needed that today. I stayed in all day working on designs... I would have all 4 of them in my living room or at the very least in my heated day light basement if I was not married! I think we all would secretly do that... but taking a chance in saying it out loud and looking like a wing nut... nah.

Video attached of Angel over jumps. I wish I could get footage of me over jumps without the camera person having parkinsons! (taylor ... haley!) but thank you for trying!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Trust me ... this post will be well worth the wait!
Sorry I have been gone since WED - very busy at the E.A. - gathering lots of information, taking notes and attending seminars and clinics all day Thurs, Fri & Sat. Exhausting to say the least but well worth it! I was able to spend some time with my mother and also get off the "farm" :) Herbal supplements, aromatherapy for equines, jumping & dressage clinics were just a few areas of interest for me. Enjoying it all with of course a little retail therapy makes for a great 3 days away!

The Pfizer Fantasia. ...was dissappointing in the first 1/2 of the show... after the 20 minute intermission it was a whole lot better. Leading up to the best part of the show was the Lusitano trainer going one on one with her stallion, and the dressage presentation segway into the ride off between dressage and reining .... very funny choreography between them... in the end... a dressage rider CAN NOT do those moves bridless so hats off to reiners! The best part of the show was the 6 Arabians racing about the arena and the dynamics between them and their trainer! I took a 4 min video that I will try and down load but for an appetizer you will have this short piece to hold you over.

Other pics of Hildago, my mom with driftwood horses & mom, jan & Julie Goodnight were nice to get!

Check out the dressage moves! My favorite is the beautiful extension!

So with that.... its now 10:45 and I have to run - I am behind the 8 ball as they say! Hit the bank and drum up some work... then its off to my trainers for 3:30 so... will have more to post in the a.m. See you on the up side!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


When you feel sorry for your equine partner - then make accommodations - they really dont appreciate you. That is why I now shall have individual paddocks! Since Angel has supposedly had no experience with; Electric Fencing, being out with other horses, trail ridden or anything else for that matter... I thought it would be nice to have a paddock buddy for him.
Now that Baby is well and they are of the same mind set and laid back... why not?



Ok.. a weak moment - now lets go back to plan A - he will be seperated from the others because we dont need to hear him wale about it on the cross ties when you are trying to tack him. Nor do we need to constantly remind him that his eyeballs shall not wander looking for the big white ass in the front pasture! UGH... how about those 20 meter circles... hows that working for you?


So Baby will return to being the third wheel & bottom of the pecking order with the other two meanies that only love to hate each other.
Why cant we all just get along?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trail Ride

WELL! It was a very productive day - WE all got to go on a trail ride. Started out like hell though - just getting the kids off the trailer and tacked up was a nightmare! Horses jumping around, rearing and bucking, acting out.... ooooo what fun. I love how they are perfect at home and act like morons when out. I got a good cow kick from Charles. Mindy got a rope burn from Misty of all horses, and Haley forgot the girth to the saddle. We were batting 1000 at 10:30 this a.m.... and all we wanted to do was ride! Well, we finally did after I got Charlie worked out in the round pen, then we all went down to the arena and worked some more before finally getting to head for the trail which by the way the trails head was a beautiful brook running briskly from the weekend rain. How nice! Oh... we have to cross it? UUUUUUUUUUGH... poor Haley, poor Mindy... first real trail ride together as mother and daughter and lets start off on the right foot! Well to say the least it was informative but not uneventful... as if you couldnt tell from the start - you know what kind of ride you are going to have when it begins as it did. Six people, 3 green horses, 3 green riders.... & not in that order....OMG!

The trails were nice, the weather was mild, the horses were behaved 3/4 of the ride... and what more could one ask for? NOTHING! A learning experience that each of us need. Certainly the greenbees :)

So with that said, not bad, just not a stellar ride... but at least we GOT OUT THERE... and stuck to our guns and made due with what we had... RIGHT HALEY! We even trotted a little... and got to use our one rein stops frequently - NO accidents, no falls. A hind quarter kick, a little jigging and a lot of jockeying for positions. Thank you again mike for putting on those tall boots and leading some of us across the brook.... twice! We couldnt have done it without you.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Riding In The Rain

As I promised .... some pictures on Babys injury ... how amazing that its almost all healed. I am not quiet sure if she is "off" as I am always looking for it - making sure not to push her too much. Today she was doing impressions of Lipizzaners Airs Above The Ground - I have video to prove it, which in turn makes it a hard to give her sympathy!
Keeping in mind that this is what it looked like within moments of stitches.....
Riding in the rain ... actually it was drizzle. Last night I got a ride in on Baby just before dark, in the drizzle and then today, I rode Baby, Charlie and Angel. Yes... in the drizzle. Heavy overcast, almost looked like dusk all day. Weird day ... 61 degrees, but wet out, not damp to make you chilled to the core, just wet. So we rode, we all rode & they all got ridden. That is a good thing.

Charlie gave a little hassle being green in the bridle... but a few one rein stops and some bending and I was trotting around. Baby was being a little childish while Haley lounged her so I had to finish the prep before she rode. Angel actually wasnt quite warmed up before I asked to canter him and he let me know it! He gave a huge buck - and then he had a little one reining session. So he got to work on bending too :)

A great exercise that I have incorporated into my warm up is circling my haunches around my forehand while keeping my forehand stationary. Slightly in front of verticle keeping my weight on the forehand, and leg pressure behind the girth. When asking the haunches to circle around my forehand, I make sure I am slight behind the verticle so that my weight is on the hind to free up the forehand to float through the open door I have provided. Its a great opportunity to stretch and bend and get those shoulders and hips working for you!
Sunday we are supposed to head to Mikes for more safe work with Charlie in the round pen and arena and maybe have Baby ridden by Haley and Misty ridden by Mindy and all go for a trail ride up there.... as it is SUNDAY - and the only day to go trail riding as its HUNTING SEASON!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Routine At The Indoor

Trucking to Scarborough to ride - not so bad. This time loaded him up, and trucked him alone. He was fine. He is JUST FINE! Gosh... where is that quirk lurking? A needle in a hay stack it is it is!

Jaime got right on and rode him.... she stressed again to really work on stretching his neck down and then that will extend his gait and stretch his back. After he is warmed up with doing that at the walk and trot he comes right into it. Getting better at the leads and didnt argue aproaching jumps. He is a good boy! I enjoy watching him go - it relaxes my mind, as I see the improvements in his way of going as the ride progresses. I know that he is a fair minded horse, and if you treat him fairly he will do anything for you. He is what I was looking for - Sorry Charlie, Sorry Baby. You kids are not ready yet to go where I need to venture first. Angel and I will iron out all the details to make a clear path for us at a later date. This boy is ready to rock and roll. Sorry the video is dark... it was very bright in there - but the settings where not right in the video.

I was invited to attend the Cutter Farm Thanksgiving Schooling Jumper Show
Saturday November 29th with Candace. She wasnt sure where I was at with Angel but thought an "outing" would be good for him. My first thought was YES! Then I think ... well what if this and what if that and I dont want to be an inconvenience for anyone else. I could take my own truck but MASS is a distance for my lovely 96 1/2 ton with 240k on her hauling a 3 horse goose is it not? Well she has treated me wonderfully but I dont want to wear out my welcome and end up stranded somewhere with a horse in the back. NOTICE how that thought didnt cross my mind running down to Suffolk Downs for my darling Angel? Where was my head? No matter - we made it... but its not a matter of "IF" it will happen, its "WHEN". For example - Babys injury - I cannot feel enough guilt regarding that - and am blessed it was only what it was. You can never be careful enough when it comes to your precious equine stock. I dont care if I got them all for free - they are still precious and why would you take the chance to allow something like that to happen? You can only claim ignorance once - ugh... anyway.

So drizzle today - but hey ... mild still and I dont believe I will melt - if you know what I am saying. Had to have that Austrailian oil skin 3/4 legnth riding jacket and matching hat hugh.... I dont believe I have an excuse even if I would melt. DARN! So to RIDE or not to RIDE is NOT a question.

See you on the dry side!... OH crap... is that sleet I hear pinging at my window?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another Beautiful ride so get out there!

So blessed with another beautiful day to ride and enjoy the weather. I cant wait for the horses to get done with breakfast so I can go out and finish what I started yesterday. Charlie got worked and ridden and even trotted around the perimeter of the arena. He didnt give me too much trouble so that was good. Angel is going smoother over jumps.... and its now time I feel to make those custom cavalettis I have been dreaming of - a trip to home depot and 2 hrs of my time should bring those beneficial tools into fruition. Misty got worked yesterday - that canter needs about a dozen more rides on it to make it consistently smooth, willing and collected.

So Baby got left by the wayside - today she is first and I will take a picture of the healed hole. It looks great! Back to the drawing board with her, transitions transitions transitions and extension of gait.

I do have the farrier coming today for all of them if they need it. Angel of course needs to be kept short - but to shoe or not to shoe is the question. I have clinics and winter jumper shows that I would like to go to - and chipped hooves are always an embarrasment, even though its for the better sometimes.

So out the door I go... unfortunately having promised my husband that I would stack that last truck load of wood we didnt get to on Sunday :(

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Sweet Angel

I know exactly what to expect when I get on him. That alone is comforting... I know that I will have a little conflict in getting the left lead and sometimes when cantering around he drops that inside shoulder but besides that he is very consistent. We schooled over a 2' spread today between barrels and then on the other side of the arena we we jumped over a set of barrels. He flies over them ... I would love to be able to see us as a team. Where is my leg positioning? Are his ears forward? Do I look like I am too forward? Are his front legs tucked? It feels ok for being green in jumping. My saddle fits us both well, me moreso' as I feel safe, balanced and confident in it.... I didnt even have to pay extra for that!

So tomorrow ... more of today but with more schooling in the half seat. I have got to build my stamina up! I am out of breath after several times around. I feel strong in my half seat when I am jumping - most likely due to adreneline - but then once I stop I realize I am exhausted and breathing hard.... thank GOD I am not a smoker! Maybe tomorrow I will take Baby for a brisk walk or jog up the road. Luckily our road turns to dirt and is quiet. Why take the dogs when the horses like to get out too! I am sure they will like it even more knowing that they wont have to haul me around! Let's not even repeat what we think they could be saying ok?

Tomorrow up in the 60's! Wooooohoooo! It wont be long before we say .... up in the 40's! Wooooohooooo! I know... crazy hugh?

Well until then I am sucking up the grace that mother nature is bestowing upon me this week. I have lots to work on as you know. Misty - my dear Misty needs a slow collected canter so she will not discourage her riders. Charlie - leg yielding & one rein stops. Baby - walk trot transitions and halting in collection. Angel - well he is just perfect and I have to work on how long I can stay in my 1/2 seat .... which reminds me.... its going to have to be at least 12 minutes because that is how long the ROLEX cross country course is FOLKS! 14 miles I may have to do Turbo Jam again.... oh and jog the horses up the road! UGH!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It Gets Discouraging Going It Alone

Especially when you have a trying 2 yr old that creates interest if your not interesting enough. Charlie is going to be that amazing horse .... someday. But most days he has been a real pain in my ass. Rearing, striking and nipping or turning to kick and take off is what I have been looking forward to when mustering up the energy to deal with him. So I just havent. Knowing full well that the longer I avoid him the worse he will be. I know its easy to say he just needs more work, but when you actually have to be thinking what he will do or do to you next... its really exhausting. So instead I have been putting my efforts into Baby (up until her injury) and Angel with great pleasure and feeling of acomplishment. My mother told me it was my frame of mind entering the arena with dread in tow. So I tried to smile and laugh the whole time I worked with him.... to no avail. I wanted to be interesting to him like the old days.... (all of nine months ago) when he was wanting to please me in everything we did. My students of 9 and 11 could work with him... now I cannot trust anyone to lead him in the barn! How humbling as an owner to have to say... "& its all my fault"... I dont want to take responsibility for his digressing.... but I have to. Now we are finally beyond all that.... and a big THANK YOU goes out to Mike. He suggested I bring him up to his place and we work him in the round pen. GEEZ - thinking to myself ... been there done that... ground worked him to where he could do a showmanship patterns halterless. Saddled him, bridled him and rode him.... why would we need to go back to the round pen? Well.... maybe it wasnt for Charlie... maybe it was for me to establish trust in HIM again. Did I miss something the first time around? I couldnt have... I worked it to death. He was a star....

Well I did load him up and take him to Mike today and I am sure glad I did! I was able to accomplish more today than I have with him in the last 6 months! We cantered carefree and did some patterns.... I was able to fill my bag of tricks and it was a treat. It wasnt Charlie all these months - it was me! I mean ... it must have been all in my head, he beat me down and made me eat humble pie - that bastard. Well, I am over it now. This week with the warmer weather temporarily moving in, it will give us a leg up to moving in the right direction together. So from 4 horses and not one for me to ride am supposed to be riding all of them every day all week. ... now... about that TurboJam! Do I really need that? :)

The pics of Mike working with him show just how happy he is to be out and about and doing SOMETHING! Although he did arrive in a trailer alone and shaking like a leaf.... the SALLY!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy Week Already!

Saturday Mindy & I went to NH for the Eastern Mountain Ranch Horse show. We contemplated taking her horse Misty. Foundation bred to do just about anything - & I so badly wanted to get on and get out there! What fun it is to be just you and your horse out there enjoying the momentin your chosen sport. I believe EMRH is the direction they will go, and I know they will enjoy this new endeavor this winter. Sunday we had hoped we would be able to try Misty out on cows - as the last time I had her on cows was about 2 yrs ago. She is fun to ride & she is naturally cowy. Monday we went to the Hollis Equestrian Park with Angel and Misty. First time Angel has been off the farm for 2 months. We had a time getting him on & exposing him to tying to the trailer at the park. Misty of course very well natured and the ol' standby -
Tuesday we took Misty to the indoor with Baby - first time baby was rode since her accident and as you have already read in previous post I was very relieved to have her back.
Wednesday night I had an appointment to have Angel ridden by Jaimie at an indoor in Scarborough. I took Misty to keep Angel calm. Glad I did as he was wound. I doubt he has ever been worked in an indoor. The sound refraction is probably wierd to him. Jaimie lounged him and he was so nervous he was shaking. I brought misty in after I tacked her up and he calmed right down. He was high headed and wanting to keep an eye on where Misty was the whole time. Bucked a few times, but not trying to get his rider off, just slightly defiant. I tried to capture it with my Cybershot but the low light and distance was not working no matter what setting! The video is all I have that showed up clear.

She confirmed all I have been saying about him in the last few weeks. WOW - I cant believe he is right off the track! He is soft in the bridle, he moves off your leg, he stops when you plant your seat, he doesnt try to run away with you, he gives to you without much pressure. WOW - I cant believe he is right off the track! She had the same problem with his left lead that I had. She gave me things to work on and when it warms up enough outside I will work him later today and any other day its not raining.

I also worked on Misty's canter. Trying to slow her down, requesting self carriage and cadence. Its hard to sit there and wait for her to come back to you, I put her nose to the ground when she is cantering, making it hard for her to run and then I gradually take up her head set and work her up into the bridle. She needs a couple weeks of that and she will get it, then Mindy can finish her. Speed is usually an intimidating factor when you dont feel you have a good seat. Going for the face is not an option after all the time I have put into this mare to work off seat and leg. The canter is the last piece of the puzzle and then they will have the whole picture -they have worked hard for it this year. Keeping in mind that it has ONLY been a year... They have come a long way and I am proud of them! I have a long way to go myself, but we just need to keep the dream in our sights, ride every day and it will be here before you know it!
... THE ROLEX that is ;)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just Pick Up Where We Left Off.....

September 24th was a hard day for me. Just the day before I had gotten layed off and then the next day I was faced with a $500 vet bill to sew my darling Baby back together. I have been very fortunate to not have experienced emergency calls - so my reaction to finding her in the pasture with a 6" hole in her shoulder was quite trying to say the least. She wouldnt walk or move and the other horses were milling around her for protection. It wasnt as bad as I had thought - but looks worse when blood contrasts a white patterned coat! It left me wondering about the "what if's" - How will it heal? Will hair cover over? Will it get infected? How long before she is back to riding? Will she still have that amazing extension?

Well now that it is about the size of a quarter and healing nicely except for one muscular bump on the shoulder point - I can say I am quite pleased that she is the same old Baby again! With that month off she is actually better - which is interesting! I fought with myself this morning whether to ride her and I am thankful for the kick in the ass Mindy! I needed it! We rode at the indoor today as it is another dreary rainy raw fall day.... and I think Baby was thankful to get out and do something. She got out the kinks and then rode nicely with perfect headset and good forward motion from behind. We cantered just a little - and I now am relieved to have ridden her. Luckily she is an Eventer and not one of those fluffy Halter Horses (although she does have 4 national points in halter :) but she has been there done that and moved on!

Below are two videos of her before the incident being ridden by the lovely Jaime Benard - I have done well to start Baby - but with Jaime's direction I will be able to bring her amazing abilities into fruition. I cannot wait to compare videos of her in the coming weeks. I know I get motivated when watching from whence we came! I will share then when I get to them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall is pretty but its also cold and dreary....

... and today is one of those days... Cold, windy and dreary. Taking down the last few leaves of the season so that we no longer will be protected from the cold north winds as they shear through the trees and chill us and our steeds to the bone! UGH... makes me really want to pull on my riding breaches and go out there to be consistant with my riding routine!

Yesterday I got a ride in before the sky turned dark letting on to what was coming up the coast. It actually was warm out with cloud cover and I was able to get some canter work in with Angel. Right lead good.... left lead nope, left lead nope, left lead Angel... nope. UGH... exhausting... but finally .... left lead...... errrrrr but not behind.... well... that will have to do for today. Refined the cues for side passing and his head set is looking great! Accepting the bit, just need to be consistent and get it at the trot when asked ... every time. I actually had to bring a crop out with me as his trot is so slow and peters out when I am trying to get collection. See I dont want to dull his sides so I had to incorporate the crop. :( Poor Angel. BUT.... NO COMPLAINTS HERE! He is really coming along.... every day... EVERY DAY riding does make a huge difference folks! I never had the luxury before now and my eyes are opened!
For all of you who need a little awwwwwwwwww..... on such a dreary day, check out what my camera phone captured while going out to ride Angel in the ring...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Up To Pasture....

The freedom of fall and enjoying a perfect sunny day frolicking.

Yet another perfect day for riding....

Well with the weather change - from chilly to cold we now cannot ignore mother natures demands. BRRRRRRR. I had left the stall windows open all summer and cracked both front and rear sliders for evening air.... but no more. Two nights in a row there is banging in the barn - I know who - Charles - awakened by evening chilled air making sure misery enjoys his company. Last night more of the same at 1 a.m. except his pal Baby was more than willing to chime in with her grain bucket banging choir. Such darlings - I may never EVER get to hear the child cry for momma at wee hours of the morning - but is this not close enough? Well tonight I made sure they got thier fill of hay, put extra bedding down and closed the barn up tight - hopefully that will lull them thru the morning hours. Although the barn is at least 250 feet away - on a crisp cold night its like they are in the next room! Nobody was shivering this morning but they feel anxious - hence the frisky activities while trying to lounge Angel this evening. I dont make much of it, just try to keep him on task with consistency in asking and body language. I was able to work more at 1/2 seat and the burning thighs returned. I know its a good thing, but I have been cracking the whip on myself daily and I feel like I have been run over by a bus. Some day though will pay off!

Today we introduced the 1/2 pass at the trot. Not as good as he is at the walk but it will come easily for him. Charles made sure to create chaos in the arena from the adjacent paddock. It was a good test for Angel to see if he can keep his mind on what we are working on. Charles, such a little helper :)

The sun barely warmed you while the slight cool breeze took it away, but at least the bugs have gone. Angel definately cannot concentrate if the bugs are attacking, so we will now make great strides this fall, and I look forward to yet another perfect day for riding!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Riding today was a joy - I was able to ride in my new saddle - finding balance in the half seat while striding over ground rails. His side passing is wonderful, and he became putty in my forgiving hands this morning, with his arched neck and willing heart. I just enjoy being atop a stead that is always looking to please. Today we learned to rock between forhand and haunches with just my seat. His sensitivity to halt is supurb. I just would never have thought he would want to learn, or care to learn honestly. I thought I would be doing a lot more encouraging and accepting of a try here and there. Instead we are on the fasttrack to success and I am loving every minute of it! The bright light in my day on my way to the barn and he calls for me at the gate. C'mon! Like whols heart doesnt get all gushy when that happens!

Riding 3 horses a day would get me fit quick if winter wasnt coming in such a haste! I have to load up and travel to an indoor (as soon as my arena freezes) which I did all last winter - not fun shoveling out and hooking up, then loading up, tacking up, mucking out when finished, unhooking. Not to mention how many times the question comes up.... "can I get up my 800' driveway?" Several times having to unload them at the bottom as its to much of a chance with jackknifing half way up because I loose traction. Nerve racking to say the least, and trying when all you want to do is ride in this hateful Northeast!

Tomorrow is another day.... and I am looking forward to it!


Now that I am currently not working, I have to find a new routine. Some days are harder then others, as I seem to have more tension headaches as of late. WELL, that comes from not listening to my body, not drinking enough water, not eating right and not excercising consistently. We all know this but make bad choices daily. Its not just me right? Started this morning right, up let the horses out for breakfast, came in made oatmeal, added raisons, started my 7 day cleanse, took vitamins, then did my turbojam - now heading out to the barn to clean out, prep for evening feed, ride Angel and then hose Babys shoulder for 10 min. By that time it will be lunch feed for them.

Then back in for shower and heading off to return merch in town and head to Career Center to apply for Starting My Own Business. Equine Videography and Photography. Hopefully can get that completed and submitted today and that will be done. If I am in town later on may meet up with fellow equine enthusiast for support and retail therapy!

Hoping this is the start of a new rountine. When life throws you a curve ball it makes for a good time to make some life changes that are otherwise hard to do. Meal planning, excersise and priorities should be reworked for the better. This I have done.

& lets not forget .... ITS FRIDAY!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pictures .....

Angel By Day
8yo 17H TB Gelding
Starting a new life in Eventing... & loving it!


Waps Chocolate Moose "Charlie"

2 yo Gelding - Enjoying ground work

Will be an awesome HUS or Eventer in the coming years

Waps In Yo Wallet "baby"

3 yo - born bred and raised here at Birch Ridge

Going well and will be Amazing in Dressage with that extension!

Angel By Day

Well, having my two WAP kids was not enough on my plate I figured, which is why I ended up with my dream TB - Angel By Day. Fate? - I had personally seen this horse 2 years prior and planned to bring him home, but as life has its funny twists and turns, here we are. I feel like I am behind the eight ball because of that. The thoughts of "what if", and "If I'd just ..." come to mind and I wonder where I would be today if it all had come to pass then. After purchasing this fine stead I found myself 2 weeks later without a job. Again, thank you life! What is one to do now? I didnt want the first missed opportunity to pass again so I made sure he came home with me 4 days after I went to see him. Knowing in my heart that he will be a wonderful partner for our new adventures together. I couldnt wait to show him all he had been missing out on racing at Suffolk downs.

A big 17h bay beauty! With the noble look that says "see you at the Rolex", how could I pass that up? Our relationship has begun to bloom, he calls for me now, and trusts me in unknowing situations that I create. I am always testing him. Although he is definately "thin skinned" with bugs and sprays, a tender flower for sure, he is not an airhead, bolting freakshow I could have ended up with. THANK GOD! I have been blessed with a horse that is up for the challenge.

Starting out is hard with a retrain. What baggage does he have? How has he been handled? Manhandled? Mishandled? Accidents lurking in ones mind waiting to come to a head? One never knows so you have to pretend you took him right out of the 3 year old pasture and are colt starting. Its the best way. That way you know you have covered all the ground work, ground manners, respect and relationship building one needs for the future. That will come in handy whether being trailed, competing, or selling. So why not invest the time and build a great foundation to better equipt them with?

Lounging... tho being on a hot walker doesnt count. He picked up body language quickly and is very sensitive to drive from quite a distance. What a pleasant surprise. Side passing without physical pressure & only a suggestion, amazing! Balancing on two legs while discussing forward and back motion.... WOW! He sure makes you think you know what you are doing in the unspoken world of horsemanship. BUT... thou shalt not let your guard down.... tho it looks good thus far. I am in awe of his greatness and potential given our odds of coming from 8 yrs of track life.

Ground rails to see whether he knows where his feet are, and extend his trot over time is a good thing. Exposing him to small ground jump options are our next feat. Blue tarps, water jumps, ditches outlined with rails, brush jumps..... all under 12" will determine where we are at physically and mentally and hopefully he will pass the test so that we can start all over again but in the SADDLE - and I cannot wait! Euphoria for me is the day that we conquer platform, water and oxers! Fingers crossed that day is coming soon.....

Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In The Beginning.....

.... well that was a long time ago.... so lets fast forward to today shall we?
The start of a new adventure.... of course having been shockput into this new adventure like projectile vomit but none the less - trying to keep an optomistic point of view here. As everyone keeps telling me... everything happens for a reason, well lets thank GOD for that! Three, (3) horses and NOT ONE I CAN RIDE! Does that even make sense? NOT TO ME. After years of scrimping and saving and begging just have my horse with me through every change, move and transition in my life - I finally had to say goodbye to my dear TESS. Well, 33 years, GREAT years, 27 of them were just for me, and I learned a lot. I had many other horses while I had her but she was my old standby. She fit me like a glove and we knew each other like we were born twins. After laying her to rest - I felt free to choose my next lifetime horse. Given that opportunity I chose to breed. BREED for what I WANTED - BIG, COLORFUL, GREAT MIND, GOOD BONE - versitile - with stamina should get me ANYWHERE! I was able to after two years put my first filly on the ground - with great pride I named her - WAPS IN YO WALLET. A reg appaloosa mare out of HOTANDSPICIE & WAPS MELENNIUM. A darling chestnut filly with solid blanket. MY DREAM - since always having solid WHITE appy mares - I was blessed with CoLOR FINALLY!

So here we are - she is 3 1/2 and I am ready to rock and roll! Where to? Well first off, understand I have done extensive groundwork, and she has been an easy horse to back. What a JOY! I finally get to plan the future of a well bred horse of my very own. NOT downing what I had to work with all these years. Those experiences only sweeten the pot to appreciate the bounty of my current blessings - a clean slate with only what I have taught her is simply invaluable to a rider with hopes and dreams bigger than the universe - but still - falling short by qualifying for the olympics would be acceptable to me :)! In the process of waiting for this all to transpire - my mind still wanders into the abyss of the WHAT IFS.... I should have a back up stead just in case... so onward I go finding a perfect equine for the job - what a surprise! ANOTHER WAP! I shall name him WAPS CHOCOLATE MOOSE - the sire WAPS ROLLS ROYCE (1/2 brother to WM) and the mare BRENDAS DANCER - it MUST BE A SIGN! So I ship him home when he turned 9 months - and we wait yet again - HE is now 2 1/2 and has done well with everything thus far - but its time to test the waters - and so go the terrible twos! I have decided to give him a month or two off - So here we are - Charles and Baby - both great kids - the only ones I will ever have. My life - my loves - my future.

And I am still here waiting....
Tune in tomorrow for the next BIG IDEA....


 My blog name has changed over the years, but my goal always remained the same, to be in eventing! I had goals, but never knowing how to att...