Sorry I have been gone since WED - very busy at the E.A. - gathering lots of information, taking notes and attending seminars and clinics all day Thurs, Fri & Sat. Exhausting to say the least but well worth it! I was able to spend some time with my mother and also get off the "farm" :) Herbal supplements, aromatherapy for equines, jumping & dressage clinics were just a few areas of interest for me. Enjoying it all with of course a little retail therapy makes for a great 3 days away!

The Pfizer Fantasia. ...was dissappointing in the first 1/2 of the show... after the 20 minute intermission it was a whole lot better. Leading up to the best part of the show was the Lusitano trainer going one on one with her stallion, and the dressage presentation segway into the ride off between dressage and reining .... very funny choreography between them... in the end... a dressage rider CAN NOT do those moves bridless so hats off to reiners! The best part of the show was the 6 Arabians racing about the arena and the dynamics between them and their trainer! I took a 4 min video that I will try and down load but for an appetizer you will have this short piece to hold you over.
Other pics of Hildago, my mom with driftwood horses & mom, jan & Julie Goodnight were nice to get!

Check out the dressage moves! My favorite is the beautiful extension!
So with that.... its now 10:45 and I have to run - I am behind the 8 ball as they say! Hit the bank and drum up some work... then its off to my trainers for 3:30 so... will have more to post in the a.m. See you on the up side!
1 comment:
You like extentions... Remind me to get a video of Tiger when I actually get her back into shape. That mare can extend with the best of them and for laughs we'll see if I can still get her to canter in place. I have been too busy with getting other horses going to ride her regularly, so she is fat and lazy from doing walk-trot lessons with kids that don't ask her to collect and engage her hind end. Her former owner had no idea what she was capeable of learning with a little work on the flat rather than just jumping. The first time she watched us extend she was cheering like a mad woman!
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