Inside rein, inside leg and his head dropped nicely with the correct leg and hand position. Once he got his grove on ... it was like I was riding a trained horse! It was only for a few moments that we were in unison and it felt great... my job will be maintaining that feel throughout our sessions over time. I cant believe it was my postioning that was holding back our progress! Amazing!
Although it seems like I was not absorbing at the time with my fussing screaming stead, I was subconciously and can honestly say it was the most productive time I have spent with Angel since I have had him! Someone to give me their 2 cents on what they think is going on with me and him and why we arent jiving at times is priceless! I cannot wait to work on that with him again. Hopefully it will take half the time to get to where we were at the end of our freezing cold session.
You think you know what you need to do to get the job done, but then someone comes in and shows you a more efficient way to communicate with your horse ...WAM! It hits you, you knew that... why werent you doing it? What is the excuse for poor posture and hands anyway? You have mirrors in the indoor and you havent utilized them? LOOK AT YOU... FIX IT!
Well, I feel like the clouds have lifted and blue skies are coming through! The sun should be shining in a few more sessions and we will be making great progress!
WE thank you... again and again. Hopefully when you come next time... it will be warmer (for MOM!) and we can move on to greener pastures!
Pam at Hoof Pix farm just headed down to SC with her horse Irish to continue training and showing with Babette from BEventing. I'm incredibly jealous! We should both save of and do that next year. Warm weather and eventing, what a nice way to spend the winter...
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