Awesome day it shall be, my first big step into the new world of intense competition! What am I in for? Flights werent bad, accommodations still surprisingly plentiful, and stadium seating during the dressage and jumping test hopefully will be confirmed soon. April 22 - 27.
On another note the Lindenwood Farm clinic with Tom Davis will be rescheduled for March 14th and that will be another good start to Spring. Angel will be a perfect darling as we are working diligently on, transitions, headset, rythm and cadence. Once I feel that he is more consistant we will start working dressage patterns and master them before Spring. I hope he surprises me with his willingness to perfect! I know he can jump over 3' without trying, so now I am going to just put the nose to the grindstone and be consistant in groundwork groundwork groundwork. He also needs to build some muscle so that we can realize that LEFT LEAD my boy! Momentum and forward motion is another small issue, as when we collect we loose both. In time... in time. If interested in more information on the clinic go to: http://www.lindenwoodsfarm.com/ for the schedule. I am also keeping a list of other events close at hand at http://www.flatlands-equestrian.com/events/index.html which is where Tom trains out of. He is a good clinician/trainer as he breaks it all down to horse and rider and then builds them up. He edifies the good in both horse and rider, encourages rewarding your horse and never talks above you or the audience. I saw great changes in both horse and rider during the clinic and hope that will be me during his next clinic!
Once the dust settles and I feel like it would be worth the money to make the decision & sign up for a week of eventing in VT at http://www.tamarackhill.com/AdultCamp/adult-camp.htm
AND that my friends would be the icing on the cake for us in JUNE.
I have to be fully vested in order to make great strides forward and develope the knack needed for these summer events.... this would give us the perfect opportunity to "KNOW" where we stand. After a week camp you would definately know to BE or NOT to BE eventing! right? RIGHT! So... I am 90% sure I am going.
I am posting this video showing small progress at the trot with headset. I can almost maintain good headset at the walk but the trot he seems to bob. I think the reason being he needs it to maintain rythm? As he isnt muscled up? He is very giving so its not that he is trying to take it away, I think he would offer more if he could. I hope to post an edited version so that you can see in continuation of progress he has made in another couple of weeks.
We liked it!
From ranchgirl and cross country adventures:)
when r u going to update ur blog???!LOL
I update when there is something worth updating for...why dont you two girls update your blog... that might give me something to talk about hugh?
i need to take some pics of the horses!!!HAHAHA!!!
When r u going to update it blog?
When r u going to update ur blog?What about the vids from the indoor this weekend???
When r u going to update ur blog???
hey this weekend do you think that we are going to on the beach???
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