Today was a day without a horsie adjenda. Unfortunately for me it didnt work out. Never fails. I tried to go snowmobiling with friends. I didnt get very far as my husband hi performance 800 overheated. Aparently the trails were too hard and there wasnt any snow to kick up for the liquid cool. So after being out on the trail only 10 minutes I had to haul up - shut off and go back for my truck to load up and head home. Not wanting to hold up the 6 or so other people heading to a shin dig outdoor cookout thing. What a bummer.... not often do I do something other than RIDE my horses..... and I guess that is why! THEY DONT BREAK DOWN! So whatever.... I will stick with what works for me!
Trust not the motor as it will need oil, and tinkering, and gas and inspection stickers and registration and if NEW ... it will need that monthly payment and on and on... and LUV it will not return or appreciate!
Its snowing now and will all day tomorrow but isnt it far better to ride bareback quietly on a trail with your bum warm and almost being able to hear the snow fall?
As it was I was trying to drown out that irritating 2 stroke winding scream with my Ipod but it it proved challenging... and the fogging of the visor ....errrrrrr... it was probably better that I returned. I still have the 2 stroke engine smell on my skin..... I guess I am just accustom to the barn smell... its like aromatherapy!
hey i love the new pic of angel!!!!:)U UPDATED UR BLOG!!!
U updated u're blog!
LOVE the picture of Angel!
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