...but we need the rain to fill the wells that water our horses dont we? I was able to work Charles before the vet arrived to do Spring shots. He was a his typical charmer self... NOT! Worked him to a lather so he wouldnt give the vet trouble. All the kids got their shots. 5 way, rabbies and two got coggins. Budget is so tight I couldnt do the sheath cleaning this time around. Knowing that Angel will need some work on his Lumbo Sachral - may be able to do something next time. Dr Tusch wanted me to commit to 3 acupuncture sessions to correct some "issues" he has with his back. If I am going to be eventing him ... seriously in June... it must be corrected now to give it time to develope correctly before an event. Thank GOD I have items on Ebay for sale an will be sold to give me play money for Rolex and maintenance money for Angel.
I rode him today in the arena. Avoiding the frozen banks I created by plowing last week. Its worth it to have an area to work them though. I rode Angel with my bareback pad in the rain because I have been dying to get on since WED! I know WED! Well with their shots on Thurday they havent even been themselves until today. The rain the sleet an then down pour sent Angel and I in after 15 minutes... we couldnt take it anymore. He was wanting to just run on the lounge so bad. I want to bring them up to pasture on WED so they can enjoy just that! I will have my camera in hand and ready to capture all their loveliness while they run carefree in the field.
Unfortunately somebody is going to have to stay home.... Charlie heads or Tails Angel. Poor boys... cant have them both up there at the same time right off as Charlie Jerk starts too much trouble and Angel has no idea where the boudaries are. With the girls eating close by I am sure he wont get carried away, but if Charles were there I am sure he would drive him right through the fence or into the puckerbrush and then it would be Charlie Shiskobob time!
So until WED its raining and dont expect a post of me doing nothing but dreaming of the ROLEX! As we are down to 16 days away! YAY!!!!!!!!
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