Monday, August 24, 2009

Acadia Ride Idea

This is a vid I found of others doing a Acadia ride.... I think we should plan one for this fall!!!!!

What do you think?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

JUMP NITE at Wild Run Farm Lyman


so much learned in short period of time
Well because... they have only had jumping lessons for what a month now?
With rain all summer most lessons were cancelled... and we had been working on dressage patterns
Then we started jumping after the BIG LET DOWN with Kaitlyns first dressage show because the judge was less than impressed with her efforts. I have yet to write a letter expressing my thoughts to the SMDA on that one! Judges need to know to edify the good in a nicer way & think about what they say and how they should say it before the damage is done after the fact! That NOT ONLY applies to these youngsters but to adult newbies trying to make their way in the dressage or show arena.... but that GRIPE is for another day.

Lets look at some of these shots shall we?



& having fun!!!!!

Misty took quite a leap of faith there!

But look at those heels down! NICE JOB! .... & hands placed firmly where they need to be supporting horse and rider... :) LUV IT~!

Looking at next jump where one needs to be... as their horse doesnt know right?

WOO HOOOOOO MISSY BOO! ... Look at that expression!


... see when the rider is having fun... the horse follows!

Kaitlyn very intent expression !!!!!

Concentrating... excellent!


OOOOOOOOO... mY FaV pic... look at breezy go!

ummmm heels down right?

Candace telling Kaitlyn to keep her eyes up and look onward and forward because Breeze kept refusing jumps... WHY?

BECAUSE Katie kept looking down... so the horse looks down and says "WHAT!!!! ... yikes"


Love it when a plan comes together~!

So we will be doing jumper nite I think every week now until the ground freezes and that will do us all some good and we can learn alot from doing a dozen jump course consistently every time!

The horse may even stop asking why :)

Lucky Clover Jumping Show

... sorry for the late posts. Between going on vaca with dad to Canada on a motorcycle trip and then returning to do hay, I have been busy outside of the horse world.

BUT not to fret... we did go to a show at Lucky Clover Farm in Sanford. Sue Austin owns the facility and most of the kids at the show where from the stable. That alone made it a laid back environment for the girls. They were able to learn alot that day.

Picking n choosing their own classes and asking questions about those classes for one. Making Haley go and sign up for her own classes with her own money for two. Then the getting ready and warming up for three. It was alot for them to digest I am sure. BUT HEY... if they want to show this is what they will expect. GETTING THERE EARLY ~ because ring warm up time is before show time and ring closes ... which is what Kaitlyn found out. She did not get any jump time in before classes started because she arrived too late.

Haley found out she needs not be concerned about others in the ring and do her own thing and CALL the jumps before you go over them. She also learned just because you jump 2' jumps in your own arena doesnt mean you are ready to go to a show at that level.

RULE OF THUMB ~ always show one level under what you work on at home. So you know you are ready when you get to a show.... a show always brings out all the things you have to work on or didnt know you had to work on! RIGHT GIRLS! ?????

I couldnt take a horse because I was the photographer for the show. I promised and I had missed the first show photo ops. I wanted to take Baby to school her but there will be plenty more options later this year :)

I got some great pics!!!!!!

Before classes started... aparently forgot she should put her jacket on....

Breeze looking good... nice extension....

need to get those thumbs up and headset rounder right?


the judges thoughts and gave some good feedback to the girls...

edifying the good is great!

Girls at basecamp....

wasting time chatting with shared BF instead of learning by watching others in the ring....

that wont happen again right?????


 My blog name has changed over the years, but my goal always remained the same, to be in eventing! I had goals, but never knowing how to att...