Monday, July 27, 2009

MYOPIA schooling jumper course

A good day... A HOT DAY!

I put Baby away after my second round because I knew she wasnt up for it :) Why push them when you know they are going to crash n burn because their stamina isnt up right?


It was fun... and it was hopefully worth it to get my motivation back to where it was BEFORE all this rain came... my heart hasnt been in it and I havent been working at it ... then there was the Angel thing and this and that.... I feel the odds this Summer have been stacked against me.

The video shows all the best shots and video coverage ... SO ENJOY!

if you want copies of the pics drop me an email...

Trail Riding with Mom

Mom on Misty and Me on Charlie jerk head pain in my ass needs to re-denutted

Jim rode Baby who was of course a doll face darling sweat heart!

Coming back out from the trail


I think the pictures make it look better than it was.
Lets see... the clouds were about to give way to rain which is why the pics came out good
The deer flies were KILLING US which is why we couldnt do the whole trail and had to turn around about 20' in!
Charlie was being a jerk and wouldnt lead... and Misty wouldnt go without a crop in the ass...
what was nice was the breeze in the field and flowers that made for great picture OPS!
It was nice to have these pictures as they are a RARITY!


NICE LONG HORN ~ drawn free hand... COOL looking egh?

... my perfect little barbed wire....

Wood Burning the Barb wire first, allowing the center to have Circle M for MORSE & carrying the Longhorns look through the brand creation came out PERRRRRRFECT!

Goes perfect also with those valances I made & the shimmery curtains!
The one over the sink I added the rope to the bottom of the material pull shade to match

Behind the couch... still have to do the couch but I have some great ideas :)

I re-apolstered the the seats to match the curtain... or visa versa really.. as I only had enough material left to do what I did with the valance as you see there... notice the horse hair detail in the center? OOOOooooo ... AAAAAAhhhhhh ;)

Next on the agenda?
Tomorrow is another day... lets see what's in store shall we :)

Angels Absess

I HAVE TO EXPLAIN PICS before my blog... dont ask!
this pic shows the soft section in the white line of the toe ...
I thought would be where the absess would drain
:( but it didnt

Angel Soaking... what a good boy :)

The puncture wound ... OR SO I THOUGHT!

12 hours later it looked like this after I soaked it! LIKE OMG freek me out!

NOW.... the rest of the story....

Well after we got through the Acupuncture and Chiropractic successfully with positive results, the ferrier was scheduled the following week. UNFORTUNATELY, we had several weeks of rainy wet weather and to Angel's demise we encountered a trim to the quick. WHICH means that to no fault of anyone but mother nature and murphys friggin LAW did we end up with an absess. Which was on again off again for 4 weeks until it finally came to a head.

I could ride him some days when he seemed to be better, and now I know those must have been the days when the pressure was finding its way in the path of least resistance and not go out thru the hoof as I thought it would where it all started. I soaked it 3Xday for 6 days in Epsom and Iodine and got a 6 day prescription of anti biotic which I crushed 12 pills a.m. & p.m. in his grain with Bute and his Shen Calm and Joint stuff... then tried... and I SAY TRIED to wrap it and keep it clean in between soakings to no avail....what a riggamaro!

ON the 6th day I noticed this punture wound on the back side of his heal ... thinking well hoping around on 3 legs probaby got him into trouble or scuffed it ... but that evening soak showed the WHOLE heal broke open and looked like dead flesh coming off. The soak caused the flesh to turn white... which lead me to believe that it was dead flesh... OH & the smell! YUK!

I was not happy... and still not happy and I just have to share that I have NEVER had an absess in all my life of horsemanship... therefore I guess I have not lived hugh?

Well things are on the mend... and I HOPE to be riding him again by next week


 My blog name has changed over the years, but my goal always remained the same, to be in eventing! I had goals, but never knowing how to att...