Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another Beautiful ride so get out there!

So blessed with another beautiful day to ride and enjoy the weather. I cant wait for the horses to get done with breakfast so I can go out and finish what I started yesterday. Charlie got worked and ridden and even trotted around the perimeter of the arena. He didnt give me too much trouble so that was good. Angel is going smoother over jumps.... and its now time I feel to make those custom cavalettis I have been dreaming of - a trip to home depot and 2 hrs of my time should bring those beneficial tools into fruition. Misty got worked yesterday - that canter needs about a dozen more rides on it to make it consistently smooth, willing and collected.

So Baby got left by the wayside - today she is first and I will take a picture of the healed hole. It looks great! Back to the drawing board with her, transitions transitions transitions and extension of gait.

I do have the farrier coming today for all of them if they need it. Angel of course needs to be kept short - but to shoe or not to shoe is the question. I have clinics and winter jumper shows that I would like to go to - and chipped hooves are always an embarrasment, even though its for the better sometimes.

So out the door I go... unfortunately having promised my husband that I would stack that last truck load of wood we didnt get to on Sunday :(

1 comment:

ranch girl said...

Where did those days go.

I don't want winter any more.


 My blog name has changed over the years, but my goal always remained the same, to be in eventing! I had goals, but never knowing how to att...